United Church of God


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Total results: 46283.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Some people are committed to helping others and doing good to a degree that we marvel at.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
One of the best things we can do is not listen to people sharing evil or false reports.
by Aaron Dean
Cincinnati East, OH
What are our motives? Jesus Christ told us that God wants people to worship Him in spirit and in truth – people with a pure heart. To understand our motivation is to understand ourselves and to get closer to God.
by Rex Sexton
Portland, OR
In this final installment, Mr. Sexton summarizes the 7 changes. Most importantly, God's motivation for us is revealed; that we might exude love from a pure conscience. With abiding faith, that we may finally attain His perfect law of...
Beyond Today Magazine
by Rick Shabi
Beyond the chaotic darkness of today’s society, a beacon of hope brightly shines. A new age is coming to set right all that is wrong. Can you see it? Hold on to the vision.
by Bill Cowan
Rome, GA
Part 6 of the beatitude series. In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus began by giving The Beatitudes. One of these Beatitudes, or Christian character traits, is purity. Purity is a very important trait to God and one we must all work towards...
by Eric Mohr
St. George, Utah 2020
What we say reveals our motives and convictions. Language reveals the intents of the heart. We must all be willing to submit to a spiritual heart transplant. Emphasis is also given to why print media is vital to our learning and recall.
by Becky Sweat
Prepping can be a constructive activity, assuming it’s done with a pure heart and motivation. And, the flip-side of that is prepping can also be misdirected, if the focus is on oneself or the here-and-now.
by Bart Bornhorst
Indianapolis, IN
Every destination has a path that leads to that destination. Our goal is eternal life and that path starts with repentance. 
Bible Study Course Lesson 9
by United Church of God
When our minds and hearts are transformed by the Holy Spirit, we put on Christ. Paul describes this dramatic change in our hearts and minds as Jesus Christ living within us.
Compass Check
by Gayle Hoefker
Everyone probably has had at least one person say to them sometime in life, “Watch your attitude!” or “She’s in an attitude!” Usually this is referring to a bad, moody or snotty attitude. So what type of attitude should we be looking to...
by Mark Welch
Cincinnati East, OH
How strong and vital is your "spiritual heart"? How repentant, clean and pure, is your "spiritual heart"? A repentant heart is key to salvation.
by Mark Welch
Cincinnati East, OH
Sometimes our motives are not perfect. Where do we fall short? We must learn to yield to God in an attempt to unite our hearts.
Compass Check
by Kourtney Kovanis
We all have positive and negative motivations in life. In the Bible, we see that God uses both types of motivation with His people.
United News
by Donald Ward
Cynicism is a very insidious affliction and will result in eternal death unless we repent of it.
Compass Check
by David Cobb
Saying things that don’t do much to “improve on the silence,” as one Spanish proverb states, is a common occurrence in our conversations.
by Craig Scott
Greensboro, NC
The biblical ideal of love is so big and all-encompassing that no single word in any language can fully communicate the revelation of love we find in God's word. We are going to build a biblical definition of love: 1) with love that...
