United Church of God


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Total results: 46171.
by David Jones
Colorado Springs, CO
Row the Boat is a mantra developed by P.J. Fleck to build his small college football team into a nationally ranked organization, but it began as a way for he and his wife to overcome tragedy. David Jones uses the same analogy to look at...
by Paul Rowe
Houston, TX
In the church we are told to forgive one another. But when we look at how God deals with us we see him reacting in different ways with different people in what seems like the same sin. Any of us who are parents will admit that we do not...
by Jonathan Hill
San Jose, CA
Listen to this sermon to learn about the amazing spiritual parallels in the Bible to what a crew of eight rowers and their coxswain (steers the boat) in a handcrafted rowing shell experienced when they grew up during the depression, and...
by Paul Rowe
Houston, TX
In this sermon Paul Rowe addresses an issue that many who, like him, grew up in the church face. Did hearing all those sermons growing up in the church that he did not fully follow in his life at that time mean that he had committed the...
by Paul Rowe
Houston, TX
In this sermon Paul Rowe asks and answers several questions about blessing. What does living a blessed life mean? Does it mean we will never have trials? God promises to bless us and provide for our needs, but he expects us to do our...
by Paul Rowe
Houston, TX
In this sermon Paul Rowe looks in detail at the book of Esther. He begins by showing us the key personality traits of each of the main people in the book. He then goes through the book showing us how these personality traits direct the...
by Paul Rowe
Houston, TX
In this split sermon Paul Rowe asks what is fear and how are we to respond to it? He goes on to show that as we all know the Bible speaks of two kinds of fear. Many verses tell us to fear God and at the same time many other versus tell...
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Gardening is a great hobby—good for us mentally and physically.
by Tony Rowe
Olympia, WA
This is the third and concluding message in this series, based on 2 Cor. 10:3-5. With God's help and Spirit working in us, we can win the internal battles we all face, by casting down "every high thing that exalts itself against the...
by Tony Rowe
Olympia, WA
We have faith in God's mercy. Therefore we have hope. Let God's mercy strengthen your hope in the future--the hope of the resurrection to eternal life, the hope of salvation, the hope of an inheritance that is undefiled and will never...
by Robert Curry
Jesus said this to those blessed of His Father who would inherit the Kingdom (Matthew 25:34-36). Have you ever wondered what it’s like to visit someone in prison?
by Donald Ward
East Texas
Hoeing to the end of the row is all about enduring to the end.  Simply put, keep on keeping on, regardless of situation or circumstance.  If you understand the keys to hoeing to the end of the row, you will succeed.  The reward is eternal...
by Mike Cook
Lexington, KY
Join us for this amazing uplifting video sermon, about a rowing team from the University of Washington, who go to the 1936 Olympics and win the gold medal. How does this rowing team from 84 years ago have to do with our lives today? This...
Good News
by Scott Ashley
German philosopher Friedrich Hegel perhaps said it best when he noted that "the only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history."
Good News
by Paul Suckling
The headlines are filled with shocking stories of violent crime. What's behind it? How does it occur? Listen to the words of an expert-written from death row.
by David Jones
Colorado Springs, CO
Do you love me? A question posed to Peter by Christ three times in a row. The importance of this question, and your answer, is essential to our spiritual growth and self evaluation especially during the spring Holy day season.
by Tony Rowe
Olympia, WA
We are fighting in a spiritual war, as described in 2 Cor. 10. With the mighty weapons of God, and with His Holy Spirit in us, we can pull down the strongholds of sin.
by Neftali DeLeon
Ocala, FL
The more a human or nation gives into sin - the more God will allow them to face the consequences of thier actions. He will give them over to a reprobate mind.
