United Church of God


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Total results: 34235.
Sabbath Services
by Darris McNeely, Joshua Creech
United Church of God — Holy Day services — Feast of Pentecost: Cincinnati East AM and PM, Cincinnati North, and Dayton congregations — May 20, 2018 at 10:30 AM EDT.
Sabbath Services
by Ron Barker, Gerald Seelig
United Church of God — Holy Day services — Feast of Pentecost: Cincinnati East AM and PM, Cincinnati North, and Dayton congregations — May 20, 2018 at 3:00 PM EDT.
Sabbath Services
by Steve Myers, Doug Knuckles
United Church of God — Holy Day services — Feast of Trumpets: Cincinnati East AM and PM, Cincinnati North, and Dayton congregations — September 10, 2018 at 10:30 AM EDT.
Sabbath Services
by Darris McNeely, David Metzel
United Church of God — Holy Day services —Pentecost: Cincinnati East AM and PM and Cincinnati North congregations — May 31, 2019 at 9:30 AM EDT.
Sabbath Services
by Peter Eddington, Dave Hemsley
United Church of God — Holy Day services — Feast of Trumpets: Cincinnati East AM and PM, Cincinnati North, and Dayton congregations — September 10, 2018 at 3:00 PM EDT.
Sabbath Services
by Steve Myers, Troy Phelps
United Church of God — Holy Day services — Feast of Trumpets AM: Cincinnati East AM and PM, Cincinnati North, and Dayton congregations — September 19, 2020 at 9:30 AM EDT
Sabbath Services
by Steve Myers, Troy Phelps
United Church of God — Holy Day services —Pentecost: Cincinnati East AM and PM and Cincinnati North congregations — May 31, 2019 at 2:30 PM EDT.
Sabbath Services
by Clint Porter, Steve Myers
United Church of God Holy Day services: Cincinnati Area, Ohio congregation - June 5, 2022 Pentecost PM services will start at 2:30 PM Eastern.
Sabbath Services
by Ron Barker, Mike Cook
United Church of God — Holy Day services — Feast of Trumpets PM: Cincinnati East AM and PM, Cincinnati North, and Dayton congregations — September 19, 2020 at 2:30 PM EDT
Sabbath Services
by Rick Shabi
United Church of God Holy Day services: Orlando, Florida congregation - June 5, 2022 Pentecost AM services will start at 11:30 AM Eastern. Watch the the LIVE webcast at https://www.youtube.com/user/UCGOrlando
Sabbath Services
by United Church of God
United Church of God - Holy Day services - Feast of Pentecost  Due to meeting at another location a webcast will not be provided. Please view a listing of other congregations offering a webcast at https://www.ucg.org/webcast/...
United News
Mark Welch
Below is information about Sabbath and Holy Day plans for observance in light of coronavirus threat prevention measures.
Upcoming Dates and Plans March 21, Sabbath: Webcast from the home office at 2:30 p.m. EDT (we would like all members to tune in this Sabbath, if possible). March 28 and following...
Sabbath Services
by Steve Myers, Duane Phelps
Due to technical difficulties there is not an archived video of the Holy Day service.
Sabbath Services
by Mark Welch, Doug Knuckles
United Church of God — Holy Day services — Last Day of Unleavened Bread PM: Cincinnati East AM and PM and Cincinnati North congregations — April 15, 2020 at 2:30 PM EDT.
Sabbath Services
by John McClain, Nicholas K. Lamoureux
United Church of God — Holy Day services — First Day of Unleavened Bread AM: Cincinnati East AM and PM and Cincinnati North congregations — March 28 at 9:30 a.m. EDT.
Sabbath Services
by Clint Porter, Gary Antion
United Church of God - Holy Day services - First Day of Unleavened Bread: Cincinnati East AM and PM and Cincinnati North congregations - April 20, 2019 at 2:30 PM EDT.
Sabbath Services
by Andy Duran, Steve Myers
United Church of God Holy Day services: Cincinnati East, Ohio AM/PM and Cincinnati North, Ohio congregations - October 9, 2019
Sabbath Services
by Clint Porter, Mark Welch
United Church of God — Holy Day services — Day of Atonement PM: Cincinnati East AM and PM and Cincinnati North congregations — September 28, 2020 at 2:30 PM EDT
Sabbath Services
by Frank Dunkle, Troy Phelps
United Church of God - Holy Day services - First Day of Unleavened Bread: Cincinnati East AM and PM and Cincinnati North congregations - March 31, 2018 at 2:30 PM EDT.
United News
As we prepare our hearts and minds to observe Pentecost, let us renew and re-energize our commitment to completely yield to God.
Teach Us to Number Our Days Greetings brethren around the world. Spring and warm weather have settled into America and the northern hemisphere. The days are pleasant and the sun has been shining bright here in Cincinnati. In the...
