United Church of God


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Total results: 24505.
World News and Prophecy
by Cecil Maranville
The six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) angered Iran and Iraq with the communique issued at the end of their December 2000 summit.
World News and Prophecy
World News and Prophecy
World News and Prophecy
World News and Prophecy
World News and Prophecy
Good News
by Jerold Aust
As we enter the year 2000, will we collectively examine the carnage we have brought on ourselves over the past century—the bloodiest in history—and resolve to do better? Or will we watch history repeat itself?
World News and Prophecy
by Cecil Maranville, Darris McNeely
"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: 'May they prosper who love you. Peace be within your walls, prosperity within your palaces'" (Psalm 122:6-7).
World News and Prophecy
by Darris McNeely, David Palmer, John Ross Schroeder, Phil Schafer
Water shortages feared to be in the near future for vast areas of the Middle East, Europe and Africa
Good News
by Jerold Aust, John Ross Schroeder
According to the August issue of Discover magazine: "In the 1990s some library scientists concluded that our stockpile of information doubles every seven or eight years.
United News
For 2005, total mail received at the home office was 563,573 pieces (up 18 percent from 2004), and 559,721 pieces of literature were sent out (up 20 percent).
For 2005, total mail received at the home office was 563,573 pieces (up 18 percent from 2004), and 559,721 pieces of literature were sent out (up 20 percent). The literature mailed out does not include The Good News, World News and...
United News
United News
For 2007, total mail received at the home office was 592,354 pieces (up 25.6 percent from 2006), and 584,880 pieces of literature were sent out (up 26.5 percent).
For 2007, total mail received at the home office was 592,354 pieces (up 25.6 percent from 2006), and 584,880 pieces of literature were sent out (up 26.5 percent). The literature mailed out does not include The Good News, World News...
