United Church of God


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Total results: 2733.
United News
John LaBissonierePeter Eddington
Considering how nearly all countries are currently afflicted by the Covid 19 Pandemic, it’s certainly possible that more people are searching for biblical answers about what lies ahead for the world.
[APRIL 8, 2020] – During the week of March 29-April 4, 2020, the Beyond Today television program, “The Message of the Antichrist,” generated the highest weekly response for the 2019-2020 fiscal year. Its 661 total...
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
Is it a mysterious, diabolical individual who arises in the end time or about so much more? Discover the amazing answer.
by Donald Ward
East Texas
For decades various church leaders and lay members all over the world have tried to identify the beast. However the bible does not identify that person. But does give specific characteristics, actions and other identifying features. So we...
by Nicholas K. Lamoureux
Bismarck, ND
Antichrist, antichrists, and the spirit of Antichrist—do you know what these words and phrases are talking about? There are prophecies that speak about an "Antichrist" who will arrive on the world scene during the end times, as well as a "...
Beyond Today Television Program
by Gary Petty
The Bible says that great deception will be foisted upon the world before Christ’s return. Could you be deceived?
by Tim Martens
Northwest Arkansas
The Bible reveals to us the qualities the Antichrist will possess and the contrast between him and God.
by Andy Lee
Cleveland, OH
There are five passages that mention the Antichrist in the Scriptures. Today we will discuss this topic and discover the fullness of this unique phrase.
Who Is the Antichrist?
by United Church of God
With the historical background in mind, and the prophecies made by Daniel and Jesus pointing to a future time that will signal the Great Tribulation, need we be concerned about the Antichrist only in terms of the coming Beast and False...
by Ron Barker
Dayton, OH
The Bible speaks of a Beast, a False Prophet and an Antichrist. Who are these beings and what do they mean to us today?
by Steve Buchanan
El Paso, TX
History is replete with ignored warnings. One of Jesus' warnings was of false Christs and The Antichrist - a warning Christians should not ignore.
by Darris McNeely
Cincinnati East, OH
What is the real meaning of the term Antichrist? What does the Bible say? What does it mean for your life today? This message examines the spirit of the Antichrist.
Who Is the Antichrist?
by United Church of God
Who is the Antichrist? Bible prophecy of the end time talks about this mysterious figure. Is he the one identified as the “man of sin” and the “false prophet”? Or is there more to the story than that? The answer is deeply personal and...
Bible Study Aids

Who is the Antichrist? Bible prophecy of the end time talks about this mysterious figure. Is he the one identified as the “man of sin” and the “false prophet”? Or is there more to the story than that?

by Gary Smith
Paintsville, KY
The Beast, Anti-Christ will rule and greatly impact the world. He will be teamed up with a religious figure. Who or what is the Anti-Christ? How will we know he or it has come? Does this have any bearing on the Church? Listen as Mr. Gary...
by Jim Tuck
Phoenix East, AZ
What does the Bible say about the Anti-Christ, and how should Christians be equipped to prepare for it?
by Bruce Anderson
Twin Cities, MN
Christian author Joel Richardson, a former Muslim, has written a provocative work entitled “The Islamic Anti-Christ”. It raises a very interesting prophetic question: could “THE” Antichrist come from Islam (as many appear to now seem to...
Who Is the Antichrist?
by United Church of God
The ultimate antichrist is, of course, Satan the devil.
by Devin Schulz
Northwest Arkansas
Though it can be an interesting journey to speculate on who or what is the Anti-Christ, the biblical admonition is to be guarded against the mindset and behavior of anybody or anything that exemplifies such an attitude.
