All Access Pass

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All Access Pass

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All Access Pass

MP4 Video - 720p (51.47 MB)
MP3 Audio (930.31 KB)

A pass to get us behind the scenes at a sporting event or concert can be amazing. But giving complete access to our heart and mind is something else.



[Darris McNeely] Have you ever been to a sporting event or a big concert and wish that you could go behind the scenes, behind the stage, or into the places where the general public can't go? To do so, you need what's called an all access pass. With this you can go behind the scenes and go just about anywhere you need. I had one of these onetime at the Indianapolis 500 and it was amazing, the places you can go, what you can see up close and personal. All access passes, very useful in life in many ways, but think about what we give access to in our own heart and into our minds. That's the most important thing. In Proverbs 4:23 the Proverb says, "Above all else guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." Guard your heart. Guard your mind. Guard what goes in. That's really what's important and not give everything that flows by us in life access to our heart and our mind, the most precious and valuable part of our life.

Ask yourself about the books that you read, the movies that you watch, the television shows that you engage in, even the social media that is so prevalent in our lives and how much time and the places we can go on all of the tools that are available to us on the internet with our computers and with our smartphones and all of these devices. Time, access to things that are not always beneficial to our heart and to our mind and rob us and sap us of a spiritual connection with God. God says to guard our heart and to guard our mind. Guard access to it. Don't give an all access pass to the things that go by us in our life. Guard your heart, and guard your mind.

That's BT Daily. Join us next time.