The Title

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The Title

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The Title

MP3 Audio (1.34 MB)

When it comes to ownership, it comes down to the one who has the title.



[Steve Myers] Many years ago I bought a car from a friend of mine. I paid him for it, took it home, and then realized I couldn't register that car without the title. So I said to my buddy, "Give me that title. I've got to register this car. I'm not supposed to be driving it without that title and registration." So he started looking for it and he couldn't come up with it. It's like, well, what am I supposed to do? I've got to get this car registered so I've got to have the title. Otherwise, I'm going to get in a lot of trouble. And so it reminded me of a spiritual point that comes with that. You know, are we registered with God? You know, has He got the title of our life? And I think that's a very important question for all of us.

[Darris McNeely] And the life we're really talking about here is our eternal life, spiritual life, and relationship with God. Signing over a title to a car vehicle, to our boat, our motorcycle is one thing—very important legally—but do we really think about it then when it comes to the commitment we make to God when we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, we are baptized when we repent of our sins. When we do that then and we accept that sacrifice, God owns our life. And that ownership then is a complete title, it's not partial. And He has it and we have to live our lives according to it.

[Steve Myers] Yeah 1 Corinthians 6:20 is an important passage because it says that very thing. It says, "You were bought at a price. Therefore glorify God in your body." Because He owns us, the question is have we turned the title of our life over to Him? And that means every area because we're really not registered with Him in that sense unless we have. And that means every area of our life.

[Darris McNeely] That means also that we go even further than just the matter of values, godly values, or Christian values. Those are important, but those are not what save us. What saves us is the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, His shed blood for our sins and then His life within us. And for that to happen, as this scripture indicates, then He owns our complete life and we must live it every day in the words we speak, the thoughts that we have, the way we treat one another with that in mind. And that gets down not only to the big areas of life, but also the small areas and the way we speak of one another and think of one another and how we live our life completely in spirit and in truth.

[Steve Myers] It takes us to a higher level of commitment so that I'm not angry the way I used to be, that's being rooted out of my life.

[Darris McNeely] We avoid the gossip or the slander.

[Steve Myers] Yeah, every one of those smaller things that sometimes you overlook. Those are the kinds of things we've got to turn over to God as well and change our life. Be totally committed so everything that we are God is the owner of because He's got the title to prove it.

[Darris McNeely] That's BT Daily. Join us next time.