Beyond Today Magazine: November–December 2018

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In This Issue

  • by Mario Seiglie
Most people assume that Jesus was born on December 25. After all, that’s the day millions of people celebrate as the date of His birth. But evidence shows that’s simply not the case. And this is only one of many problems with this holiday!
  • by John LaBissoniere
Forces are at war in the world attacking marriage—which in turn threatens the survival of the family. You need to know what the battlefields are in this warfare and what God would have you to do about it!
  • by Michael Kelley
Western society is shifting in major ways. One of the most dramatic changes is the decline and disappearance of needed masculinity.
  • by Jerold Aust
As the family goes, so goes a nation. The family model undergirds all peace-loving societies. It was instituted by God for a grand purpose and will live on forever!
  • by Jerold Aust
The institution of marriage is in deep trouble. About half of all marriages end in divorce, and many couples don’t bother to even get married at all. What are they missing? What are the keys to a lasting marriage?
  • by Scott Ashley
Marriage is much more than a social arrangement, a physical and emotional pairing, or a financial partnership. It’s also a learning and growing experience meant to help instill in our lives character lessons and spiritual truths that would be difficult to learn any other way.
  • by Robin Webber
In following Jesus Christ, we must learn to love and care for others by seeing everyone as He does.