Dealing With a Friend

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Dealing With a Friend

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That sort of carelessness is an open avenue for problems that can arise. Some of the best advice that anyone can take is to be sure the bargain or deal with a friend is clearly laid out. It is precisely because this is a valued friend that this action should be taken. Our memories are not always precise and in time everything changes.

The Bible advises us to realize the danger of losing a friend and to go and make sure of the understanding and the friendship (Proverbs 6:1-4). A friend or brother once offended, even without knowing it, is very hard to win back (Proverbs 18:19). It is better to set in writing any clear understanding of a deal that is being made with a friend—and in doing so, being sure you keep that friend.

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  • Katherine Rowland

    It is true that close friends are rare, and we should be careful who we trust with our most personal selves. However, it seems to me that relationships cannot be made so black and white, with a one-strike-you're-out policy. People make mistakes, and we--like Christ--have to leave room for forgiveness. None of us--no matter how we strive--have even one relationship where we have always behaved perfectly. We slip up constantly, and we hope for others' forgiveness. We must be willing to likewise overlook some faults in others and forgive them their human tendency to fall short.

  • edbellas

    One friend is rare; a very rare gem.
    If someone shakes hands he should keep the end of his bargain; no excuses of any kind should be tolerated; if she does not, then that is proof that she was not a friend to begin with.
    It is clear one should always be awared who one deals with; a foe is easy to be made in this enemy-occupied planet, so one must always be careful never to deal with anyone not proven a true love (agape), if, possible. We are born with one friend, Jesus. Time tells us who, if any, our other friends will be.
    Test people in very small matters, and matters a little larger than very small, occassionally; a red flag, no matter how insignificant, should forever relegate this person as an "associate"; someone never to be trusted with critical or sensitive matters.
    This is a "7-billion" planet. The to-choose-from pool is vast. Drink from it, deep.

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