Unfinished Business

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Unfinished Business

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Unfinished Business

MP3 Audio (3.36 MB)

None of the people whose funerals I've been to had perfect families or had done everything they wanted to accomplish in this life. None of them had finished their "bucket list." Even the ones who had committed suicide weren't ready for life to be over—they just wanted the pain to stop, whether it was emotional, mental or physical.

We were created with eternity in our hearts—we never really say "enough"—that we've lived perfectly and have everything exactly how we want it and that we're ready to die and never exist again. Or at least I haven't met that person yet. Everyone I've known still had something they wanted or needed to do.

There were children to have, or children to raise—there were marriages hoped for, or wayward children whom a parent wanted so desperately to live to see straighten themselves out. There were lost dreams of what a child could have been if only they had lived. There were people who wanted to know what had happened to a long lost loved one, but they never found out before they died. 

There has been so much unfinished business in the lives of the ones who have died, but hope is not lost. Those who will be in what God calls the the first resurrection will be those who took care of the most important business in life: They sought and found the Kingdom of God. They will be glad to see families reunited, to see their children who have died, to see healing in the lives of those who were so damaged by things that happened in their lives. 

There is coming a time when the lost will be reunited with family—when children who have died will be with their parents. 

I look forward to the big family reunion of all of mankind, but I also look forward to my close family's reunion—when the estranged no longer are separated, when my dad who went missing and was never found or heard from again is found, when I get to see my mom again, and my grandparents and my aunts and uncles and cousins.

There's a lot of unfinished business, but God had made a way for it to all to be finally finished, and I thank God for that.

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