United Church of God

Cincinnati Living 1835 Young Adult Weekend

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A Congregation of the United Church of God

Cincinnati Living 1835 Young Adult Weekend

The Cincinnati Congregations' annual Living 1835 Young Adult Weekend, "Desire What God Requires," is scheduled for March 16-18.

How do we as young adults apply justice, mercy, and humility in our lives? Are we passionately, actively pursuing what the Lord requires of us? Join us for a weekend of spiritual growth, friendship and service as we explore the meaning of Micah 6:8. All high school grads from age 18-35, married or single, are invited to attend. There will be interactive seminars, services, and social activities as well as an opportunity to take action by applying ourselves to service.

The cost for this exciting weekend is only $35 if you register by February 17. Your registration also includes three meals! (After the deadline, the cost will be $40.) For more details and to register, please visit living1835.com.

If you are interested in contributing or serving in any capacity for this weekend (e.g., special music, sound crew, housing visitors) or if you need financial assistance, contact Cody Martin (cody.martin91@yahoo.com).