United Church of God

Announcement Bulletin for July 4, 2020

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A Congregation of the United Church of God

Announcement Bulletin for July 4, 2020



Announcement Bulletin for July 4, 2020




North Canton & Youngstown, OH; Pittsburgh, PA; Wheeling, WV Congregations

United Church of God, an International Association

  • Sabbath, July 4, 2020:

2:00 p.m. local webcast – Randy Stiver 

-> https://www.ucg.org/congregations/north-canton-oh/webcast

For Pittsburgh and Wheeling services times please see any updates from Keith Wilson.



(may be subject to change)

Friday, July 10

Friday night Bible study webcast – 7:30 PM (EDT) – Randy Stiver


Sabbath, July 11

North Canton: 2:00 PM - Gateway Event Center

Youngstown: TBA - Holiday Inn Express Youngstown North (Niles Rd.)

Sabbath, July 18

North Canton: 2:00 PM - Gateway Event Center

Youngstown: TBA - Holiday Inn Express Youngstown North (Niles Rd.)


Pastor’s contact information:  By mail: 2206 Eastwood Ave. NE, Massillon, OH 44646. Home phone: 330-809-0566, cell phone: 740-739-7248. Email addresses: randy_stiver@ucg.org  or rpstiver@gmail.com (both come to the same location). For emails regarding scheduling (church events, visits or counseling), please copy my wife Linda ldstiver@gmail.com. Announcements should be sent to my email and copied to our daughter Amanda at anstiver@gmail.com as she helps process them each week.



(If you notice that your prayer request needs updating, please drop us an email or a call with an update. Thank you!)


  • Jenny Luchitz (North Canton) – Jenny is doing quite a lot better and is recuperating in a care center. Thank you for your continued prayers. Please send communications via her sister, Rhoda Gabriele.


  • Linda Ritter (North Canton) – Linda would appreciate your continued prayers for overall health improvement. 
  • Steve Richmond (Cambridge) – Steve continues to battle cancer, please keep him in your prayers.


The United States Feast Coordinators are filling out a questionnaire, due back by July 6, seeking information on how their Feast site would operate if the Feast were held the first week of July, just as an exercise.

Information such as the capacity of the meeting hall with current social distancing restrictions, are masks required, can banquets or buffets be operational, what social activities would be allowed like family dances, or gatherings at a park or beaches are all being evaluated.

That is the first step to determine the capacity we have for each site and assessing how it would operate. How many members might not want to attend a Feast site with limited social interaction or requirements like wearing masks? Eventually a schedule of services and activities and information about how the Feast will differ from a traditional site will be distributed to the registered attendees so they can make decisions from accurate and final information.

Much can still happen in July and August which potentially influences how the Feast will look in early October. We don't yet have a deadline date for when a final decision must be made.

The administration is aware of member concerns regarding the uncertainty in finalizing Feast plans at this time. However, we will finalize plans and inform with ample time for members to make adjustments, if needed.

Members can expect at some point, probably in August, an email from the Feast Coordinator where they are registered outlining how the Feast will operate and asking members to confirm whether they will attend under those conditions. Members will be urged to update their registration information if their plans change. If a Feast site fills to capacity and closes, Melanie May, Website Project Manager for the home office, has created an option where a person can sign up on a waitlist.

There will be a general update for announcements on the Sabbath of July 11 which will also be posted on the Feast webpage.

-- Charles Melear



If you have not already, and know you will have need of festival assistance, please contact your local Feast Advisor, by phone, email, or in person, to fill out the proper forms.

North Canton: Freeman Kuhns and Mark Miller             Pittsburgh: Nathan Courtney Youngstown: James Guy                                                Wheeling: Jim Kocher  


Youth Festival Activity Booklets are now available for the Feast of Tabernacles 2020. You can access them on the members website at https://www.ucg.org/members/news/youth-festival-activity-booklets-available. There are three separate booklets, for grades K-1, 2-3 and 4-5. When you register for the Feast, be sure to specify your child(ren)'s grade level(s) to receive a hardcopy at the Feast site you attend. Otherwise, the PDFs are available at the links above.


The Festival Children's Choir selections are now available for download on the UCG Feast website at: https://www.ucg.org/members/feast/childrens-choir-music

The guidelines for the Children's Choir are posted there as well as vocal and instrumental versions of the two songs and lyric sheets. Parents, please follow the posted guidelines and be sure your children know the songs before arriving at the Feast.

-- Steve Myers, National Music Coordinator


Back issues of Beyond Today magazine are available for brethren to distribute to interested friends, relatives, fellow workers and neighbors and/or to drop off at waiting rooms in hospitals, doctor's offices, auto repair shops, etc. The available magazines include: Beyond Today (English language) and Beyond Today(Spanish language)

If you would like a supply of magazines (minimum 25 copies, maximum 200), please contact John LaBissoniere at john_labissoniere@ucg.org or (423) 562-9400. Please let him know the magazine languages and quantity you would like. Also, please give him your street address and phone number for UPS or FedEx delivery.

Thank you for your willingness to help spread the good news of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God!

-- Peter Eddington, Operation Manager, Media and Communications Services

7.      UNITED YOUTH CAMPS – Teen Friday Night Bible Discussions

Our live Bible Study program for teens continues this Friday evening and every Friday evening throughout July. The password to get into the session will be the same as last Friday night but if you don't have the password, teens will need to get it from their pastor before signing on. Please do not share the password with anyone. The Bible Study video and Zoom discussion begin at 8 p.m. Eastern/7 p.m. Central or 7 p.m. Pacific/8 p.m. Mountain (pick your time). Log onto uyc.ucg.org at one of these two times Friday evening on July 3. We hope these Bible studies and discussions will be a great way for our teens to learn about God and connect with each other.

-- Steve Nutzman/Teen Camp Directors


If you’ve gotten this far in the announcements and have actually read them, please drop us an email (Mr. Stiver: randy_stiver@ucg.org). We want to verify how effective the current format is for reaching everyone in our four congregations. Thank you.



COVID-19 Links and Resources:

National: https://www.coronavirus.gov/

Ohio: https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/


West Virginia: https://dhhr.wv.gov/COVID-19/Pages/default.aspx

UCG home office: https://www.ucg.org/members/news/united-church-of-god-coronavirus-updates

PHONE HOOK-UP to Home Office Webcasts

If you need a phone hook-up to the webcast services from Cincinnati (2:30PM on Sabbaths) here are the directions:

Please call no earlier than 5 minutes before the service will begin. If the Home Office has not activated the meeting, the caller will be put on hold, and then asked to call again later.

Normal Calling Directions for Home Office Webcast:

For those who can pay for long distance calls or have an unlimited phone calling plan:

Call: 1-508-924-1634

No access code needed.

If you know someone who could use the phone hook-up number, but does not get the announcements by email, please call them and pass along the information! Thank you!