United Church of God

Pastor's Note & Announcements for September 4, 2021

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A Congregation of the United Church of God

Pastor's Note & Announcements for September 4, 2021



Pastor's Note & Announcements for September 4, 2021


Greetings Brethren,

As we prepare to keep the Feast of Trumpets in a few days and soon after the rest of the Fall Holy Days, let’s remember to hold fast to the hope found in each one. We must capture the vision that God is revealing within these days, because they remind us of what God has promised and that He will faithfully fulfill that promise. These days strengthen our faith and restore our Hope!

Satan hates the fact that there are those faithfully holding fast with hope in God promises and not buying into his own lies. Because of this, he is ramping up his attacks against those who stand in opposition. The devastation brought about by the bombardment of his warfare will leave so many in this world feeling hopeless, crying out in despair. We’re already seeing the first wave of this attack put into action. It’s evident that those who embrace evilness and corruption thrive, while those who desire truth are being persecuted.

As we are fully aware, soon and very soon, the full force of Satan’s wrath will be directed upon us. Now is the time to prepare, now is the time to sure up our foundations and cry out to God, THY KINGDOM COME! We need the Kingdom to come and we need it sooner than later. This need is not just for our benefit, but for the entire world.

Brethren the sounding of that Seventh Trumpet will be a huge turning point in the history of mankind, but for us, the chosen First-Fruits of God, there is another warning that sounds as a trumpet that we must hear now, if we are to participate in that Seventh Trumpet.

Isaiah 58:1, “Cry aloud, spare not; Lift up your voice like a trumpet; Tell My people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.”

This trumpet is not only meant to be sounded by the ministry, but each one of us has a responsibility to sound that trumpet into our own hearts in order to stir ourselves into action. This stirring of the heart, stirs that gift of God’s Spirit which gives us the strength to continue fighting that good fight of faith. It gives us the ability to continue to hold tight to the trunk of that tree, and continue seeking that Kingdom with all our heart, mind, and soul. 

It is written, “He that has an ear, let Him hear!” Are we listening and heeding the warning trumpet that’s preparing us for that sounding of the 7th and last trumpet? 

Have a wonderful and fulfilling Sabbath and Fall Feast Season,

Ryan Hall



  1. Service Time: 2:00 PM - Guest Speaker – Darris McNeely
  2. Feast of Trumpets: September 7th (Holy Day Offering will be taken up)  - Combined services in North Canton - Service times: 10:00 AM/ 2:00 PM – PM service with guest Speaker – Aaron Dean. Location: Gateway Conference Center – 5441 Global Gateway North Canton, OH 44320
     Atonement: September 16th – (Holy Day Offering will be taken up) - Service Time: 2:00 PM Webcast from North Canton. Location: Regular meeting facility for both North Canton & Youngstown
    Feast of Tabernacles /8th day: September 20th -28th.
  3. Sabbath services for September 18 have been cancelled due to most of the brethren will be traveling to Feast of Tabernacles.
  4. Trumpets Potluck:  FYI: Feast of Trumpets falls on a weekday this year following Labor Day. This results in most restaurants being very busy during this time. To help alleviate the stress of navigating the busy area and dealing with time constraints, we will have a potluck between services. Everyone is welcome to join in to enjoy food, fellowship, and a relaxing time before afternoon services. A main pasta dish will be provided. Please bring sides and your favorite desserts. 
  5. We do have a few shut-in that will not be attending the Feast of Tabernacles this year. If you would like to send a card, a list with names and addresses will be on information table.
  6. Feast Bags for those unable to attend Feast of Tabernacles: If you would like to donate to the cost of the Feast Bags. Please send monetary donations (Checks payable to United Church of God) to Scott Thouvenin, 5076 Sandy Ave SE Canton, Ohio 44707.
  7. All Committee meetings will be rescheduled for some time shortly after the Feast of Tabernacles.
  8. We have a Post Feast Picnic at Arrow Head Orchard in the works.

If I missed anything, please let me know ASAP.


Ryan Hall
Pastor / North Canton, OH, Youngstown, OH,
Pittsburgh, PA, & Wheeling, WV
770-789-6555 | http://www.ucg.org