United Church of God

Pastor's Corner - May 10th, 2019

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A Congregation of the United Church of God

Pastor's Corner - May 10th, 2019

I returned this week from the General Conference of Elders meetings back at the home office in Cincinnati, Ohio. 

During the time that I was there - I was impressed at the level of service and heart that the ministry of God's Church has for its members. The genuine concern that was expressed in our conversations for their members that were going through difficult times, and a desire to help them somehow. During the conversations that happened around the tables after the meetings - the men expressed concerns about how to best serve their congregations, especially going forward as some of them near retirement. It was evident from those conversations that they desired to serve the brethren, and to serve them well. There was a great deal of concern expressed for the membership as a whole.

When we consider the ministry, we consider a group of men who are servants. That is my role, a servant, to serve you, and to be a helper of your joy. ( 1 Peter 5:2 / 2nd Corinthians 1:4) To be alongside you during the good times, and also the difficult times as we both navigate through this world living in accordance with God's way.The congregation is not mine - it is Jesus Christ's. I am simply provided stewardship and responsibility of oversight for a time. 

The apostle Paul referenced himself as a "minister" to the gentiles. (Greek Word - leitourgous - "servant") Tychichus was referenced by Paul as a "beloved brother and faithful minister" (Greek Word - diakonos - "Servant"), Paul again, using the word diakonos, refers to Timothy in 1st Timothy 4:6, and instructs him on what it means to become a 'good minister'. He goes on to instruct him to nourish himself in faith and good doctrine, and to avoid old wives tales and fables and doctrines of trickery. Regardless of the word translated from - when you see the word minister or ministry in scripture - it is referring to service to the brethren.

Keeping these things in perspective are important - as there have unfortunately been those over the years that lost sight of this. Those stories were shared around the tables informally at the GCE as well--the cautionary tales.

I am incredibly thankful to have been provided an opportunity to serve you all, to be your servant, and helper of your joy. I am thankful to have the chance to go and learn from men who have done this far longer than I have, to see the incredible examples of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. Knapp, and so many others who have faithfully served the brethren for 50 years. I pray that we continue to serve and to grow together as we go forward in faith serving our Great God together. 

Have a wonderful Sabbath!