United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 52473.
by Devin Schulz
Northwest Arkansas
Though it can be an interesting journey to speculate on who or what is the Anti-Christ, the biblical admonition is to be guarded against the mindset and behavior of anybody or anything that exemplifies such an attitude.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Why do we struggle with sins we have already repented of?
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
In what specific ways could you deny Jesus Christ? 
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
What is your approach to sin?
Beyond Today Television Program
by Gary Petty
Scripture foretells an end-time holy place in Jerusalem. Learn what will happen and why you should prepare.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
The Passover, with its rich and meaningful ceremony, begins the Holy Day year, revealing God's plan for mankind. Have you considered its personal significance to you?
Beyond Today Daily
by Rick Shabi
Can you lose your salvation? In this Biblical Worldview episode, United Church of God president, Rick Shabi, challenges the popular "Once saved, always saved" belief, to see if it is truly biblical.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Darris McNeely, Gary Petty, Steve Myers
This obscure individual may have had a profound impact on what you think is true, biblical Christianity.
by Tom M Damour
Lubbock, TX
Be aware of the false teachings of the world. Satan uses them to confuse and hide the truth of God's word.
by Rick Shabi
Jacksonville, FL
Is "the Anti-Christ" a person, a thing, an attitude? What does the Bible mean by "the spirit of antichrist"?
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
After reflection, we should have a confident knowledge that we belong to Jesus Christ.
Beyond Today Daily
by Gary Petty
Uncovering our sins before God is the first step toward mercy.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Justin Palm
Christians are told to “seek first the Kingdom of God.” But what must we do to enter God’s coming Kingdom and inherit eternal life?
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Knowing your spiritual blind spots is an essential part of Christianity.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
The Bible shows how God's Spirit can help us overcome fear.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
The story of the first Pentecost contains powerful insight for Christians today.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Society seems overly concerned about germs? Is there a spiritual connection?
Beyond Today Daily
by Rick Shabi
In this Biblical Worldview episode, United Church of God president, Rick Shabi explores the growing influence of "woke" culture and its unsettling impact on society, as reflected in recent global events like the Olympics. 
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
A tragic confrontation between protestors in Charlottesville, Virginia has highlighted the political and social divide in America.
