United Church of God

2016 UYC Camp Reports: Preteen Camp Colorado

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2016 UYC Camp Reports: Preteen Camp Colorado

Camp Colorado enjoyed near perfect weather in spite of thunderstorms forecasted for each day of our seventh annual preteen camp near Estes Park, Colorado, from June 5-8. God’s blessings were evident throughout camp!

This year all of our compass checks and Christian living classes centered around our theme, “Guided by God’s Word.”

An added new activity this year, 24 girls and 25 boys were thrilled to ride horses for the very first time in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. They even learned to lasso hay bales and longhorns!

Once again they sought to hit the bulls eye at archery class and to maneuver and even race canoes and play tag in canoeing class. They were all challenged for the first time in two classes of multi-ball (a combination of kickball, soccer and basketball) and made tie-dyed t-shirts and special, unique creations of stationary from shaving cream and food coloring in their arts and crafts classes.

Each year at Camp Colorado the preteens begin and end camp with a special combination of field games designed to test their agility and coordination—but mostly they just have a lot of fun playing unique and exciting team games! They go on two nature hikes as they learn more about God’s amazing creation. Each night around the campfire, in the crisp mountain air, they have sing-a-longs and are challenged with Bible games testing their knowledge and understanding of the Bible. Also each night they proved their enthusiasm for God’s way of life!

Before heading for their cabins each night to get some needed rest, the entire camp enjoyed the light show from launching hundreds of LED rocket copters high into the night sky!

The 49 preteen campers were joined by six mini-campers and 45 dedicated teen and adult staff members for a total of exactly 100 at camp. Attendees were from six different states—Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, Wyoming, Kansas, and as far away as Indiana!

Also the parents and grandparents of all the campers who had to stay back home enjoyed reading about each day’s activities on the Camp Colorado blog.

It was another awesome year at Camp Colorado. Now we begin planning for an even better year in 2017!