United Church of God

2020 Feast of Tabernacles: Pewaukee, Wisconsin

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2020 Feast of Tabernacles

Pewaukee, Wisconsin

Brethren were hungry, both physically and spiritually. Either at the onsite restaurant or after a quick drive to the number of delicious area restaurants, brethren enjoyed feasting on physical food together. Spiritually, there was much to chew, too. Five Bible studies were scheduled at the start of the Feast. After the teen Bible study early in the week, the teens voted to add yet another Bible study. With six Bible studies and a cornucopia of delicious spiritual food each day of the Feast and the Last Great Day/Eighth Day, the spiritual food really was the star of the show.

Many brethren said this was the best Feast yet, despite all of the ups and downs that surrounded making plans for the Feast this year. Masks and social distancing also didn’t stop most from participating in four different group meals at the Ingleside Hotel and an exciting family game night. Three teams battled it out in a nail-biting game of Bible Jeopardy while others dove into board and card games. The Feast was enhanced with visits to Pewaukee Lake and lovely scenic drives to take in the colorful and changing leaves. 

Pewaukee, Wisconsin, did not disappoint, but, most importantly, God’s blessing was protecting us and leading us each step of the way as we kept His command to rejoice and celebrate the much-anticipated coming Millennium. God speed that day.