United Church of God

2020 Feast of Tabernacles: Spanish-Speaking Latin America

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2020 Feast of Tabernacles

Spanish-Speaking Latin America

Online services were transmitted daily. The mutual support was edifying and beneficial, especially with the participation of a few new faces of songleaders, those giving prayers and the tech team behind the scenes. 

There was significant prior work by singers and musicians to prepare special music selections for each day. Kids, teens and adults participated with voices and instruments to honor God. During the Feast, five children received the blessing of little children from their ministers and a new member of God’s family in Chile was joyfully announced.

The technical effort to deliver multiple connections for services and activities was a team success for the members’ benefit. The platforms used were Envivo for the official webcast page, YouTube, Facebook Live, Roku and Zoom. Zoom especially helped the brethren to feel more united and connected since they were able to see each other. After each service, many spontaneously unmuted their microphones and interacted with one another, reducing the great physical distances between each other by feeling the same spirit. The platforms for connection as well as the telephone dial-in option were sufficient for an average of 101 daily connections, with YouTube being a favorite among brethren. An estimated 300 individuals watched the services daily through more than 100 connections.

After careful consideration, Zoom was used for the activities aspect of the Feast. Children’s Sabbath School was held on the first Sabbath with another special activity on Sunday during the Feast. In addition to the Festival activity booklets, there were other materials created and distributed in the two countries so that the little ones and their families had more activities to enjoy. The teens had an activity and their own Bible study as well. During the women’s activity on Wednesday, 58 women from various countries participated and thoroughly enjoyed a time just for them. 

There were three family-focused activities organized: on the first Sabbath afternoon there was an entertaining welcome activity, followed by a talent show during the week and also another enjoyable family afternoon that included various skill tests. Additionally, there were two opportunities for official photographs.

One important production to highlight was the presentation of about 100 videos submitted by brethren. Just a simple “happy Feast” in front of the camera with a cup of coffee represented the shared best wishes from the members to one another, including Victor Kubik and others from the church webcast in Cincinnati that gladly participated. 

This video can be viewed at: http://bit.ly/LatinAmericaFOT.

Several other countries participated in some of the activities including Bolivia, Peru, Colombia and Guatemala. All the effort of the team involved, which included four ministers, wouldn’t have had such a big impact without the excitement and energy of the members. Those who spent the Feast alone or were in small groups of two or more families received spiritual food and felt the brotherly love of the Body of Christ. Many thanks to the churches of Chile and Mexico for having participated in an unprecedented Feast of Tabernacles, and especially thanks to God. May He grant us wisdom to continue celebrating the Feast wherever He chooses to place us.