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United News
Chris Rowland
Interested in working for the United Church of God? This page contains current employment opportunities, and will be updated as new jobs become available.
Jobs will be removed when they are officially filled, so feel free to apply to any opportunity you see listed on this page!  Job Opening: Financial Services Manager The United Church of God has announced an opening for...
United News
Jim Tuck
Nearly two-thirds of Americans say they feel worn out by the high volume of news coverage of the 2024 presidential campaigns and candidates. Is it a means to deaden the senses of people to come to a point where they throw up their hands...
Society is out of control. Any hope of really grasping what is going on is almost impossible, but people try. One example is the political world. It's a constant, daily diet of mostly negative polarizing news streaming out of multiple news...
United News
God is working with each of us, preparing us for what He wants us to do in His Kingdom.
In One Accord, In One Place Greetings brethren around the world, There are times in life when things just settle into your mind and you understand them in a way you have never fully understood or appreciated before. You’ve...
Feast of Tabernacles
Feast of Tabernacles
The 2024 Feast site for the Chile-Argentina area is Lichen Ray, Chile.
The wait for Feast registration in Chile is over! This year, the Feast site for the Chile-Argentina area is Lichen Ray, Chile. To read about and register for this Feast site, visit https://www.ucg.org/members/feast/sites/2024/lican-...
United News
We’re approaching the deadline to submit your proposal for Good Works for projects for the second half of the 2024 calendar year!
Let's do good together! We all have a part to play in serving God and man, and now is the time! We’re approaching the deadline to submit your proposal for Good Works for projects for the second half of the 2024 calendar year! If you have a...
United News
Jim Tuck
There is a large segment of people who think everything is going along just fine. They believe people are about the same as they always have been. They take umbrage at people who look at the world as being evil and in decline.
Are we too hard on the world? After all, isn’t there good in the world? What should be the proper perspective of a true follower of Jesus Christ? Perspective What does the Bible teach about the state of the world? Did Jesus and the...
United News
Read updates from around the world, items to pray about and upcoming opportunities.
This Week in the Work . . . This week in Mexico City, Mexico, the pastors from all Latin American areas plus international senior pastor Mario Seiglie, Rick Shabi, Steve Myers, Darris McNeely and their wives are engaged...
United News
Read updates from MMS, Ambassador Bible College and more!
ABC Continuing Education Program 2024 The Ambassador Bible College Continuing Education program has been taking place at the home office this week. There were 37 students who came from variety of states and Canada to participate in five...
United News
We have just completed a busy but very rewarding several days that have seen 252 elders and wives convene here for the annual meeting of the General Conference of Elders (GCE).
From the President . . . Greetings brethren around the world. It’s early Thursday afternoon in Cincinnati, and we have just completed a busy but very rewarding several days that have seen 252 elders and wives convene...
United News
It's time to register for the Feast in Chinácota, Colombia!
We are pleased to announce the Colombian site for the Feast of Tabernacles 2024 will be located in Chinácota, Norte Santander. Chinácota is approximately one hour from the airport in Cúcuta, Norte Santander. The climate in Chinácota is a...
United News
Updates from MMS and about Feast registration
From Ministerial and Member Services . . . Recent Ordination We’re happy to announce that on the First Day of Unleavened Bread, April 23, 2024 Wiley Greene was ordained into the ministry. He and his wife, Debra, serve...
United News
If you have recently graduated high school or university, we'd like to honor you in the July-August issue of United News!
We plan to feature the high school and university graduates of 2024 in the July-August issue of United News! Please take a few minutes to answer the questions below and send a photograph by June 5. Please keep it to 250 words...
United News
United News
Teaching your kids at home doesn’t have to be done alone! A homeschool co-op can help!
Every family must assess their needs and abilities when considering their children’s education. This informational guide may be beneficial if you are considering homeschooling. It explains what a co-op is, how it works and how to join or...
United News
Jim Tuck
Just when you thought this world could not get weirder, there are now those who claim to be Christian, but don’t believe in God. The very idea of an atheist embracing Christianity seems like a clear definition of an oxymoron. However, it...
It should not surprise us. The trend is toward an increasing percentage of Americans who are losing their religion. In 1965, a Gallup poll found that 70 percent of respondents said religion is “very important” in their lives. Today, fewer...
United News
“Remember” is one of the key words for these days. Be sure to take the time to remember what God and Jesus Christ have done for us.
From the President . . . Greetings brethren, We are a few days into the Days of Unleavened Bread and trust that the Passover, Night to Be Much Observed and these days of eating unleavened bread have been inspiring and...
United News
Let’s purpose in our hearts as God’s people to overcome and develop and strive for the true unity, physically and spiritually, that Christ prayed for in His final hours.
From the President . . . Greetings brethren around the world, Reflecting on Jesus’ sacrifice In just a few days, baptized members of the Church will commemorate the most important event in human history—the death of...
Feast of Tabernacles
Feast of Tabernacles
Updates about obtaining a visa for travel to Brazil
The Brazilian government has postponed the visa requirements for USA and Canadian passport holders to 2025. Therefore, USA and Canadian passport holders will NOT need to apply for a visa to travel to the Feast in Brazil this year.
United News
Jim Tuck
The sun long ago set on the British empire. And now the United States is spiraling downward as a world power. Why? There is a reason.
Not long after World War II, the United States and the British Empire boasted the highest standard of living ever enjoyed by any people since humankind inhabited this earth! Combined, the United States, Britain, Australia, Canada and New...
United News
Updates from Ministerial and Member Services, upcoming events and announcements about the Feast and United News.
From Ministerial and Member Services . . . Death of William Vernich Bill Vernich died on April 3 of health complications at age 92. Mr. Vernich was an elder who served the congregations in Nashville, Murfreesboro and...
United News
Updates on the British Isles ministerial conference, Ministerial and Member Services, United Youth Camps and Ambassador Bible College.
From the President . . . Greetings brethren around the world, More than 60 elders and leaders from the Church in the British Isles (and their wives) gathered together in the beautiful little village of Altrincham,...