United Church of God

Phase One of Massive Two-Part Print Advertising Campaign in Progress: 100 million ads to be inserted!

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Phase One of Massive Two-Part Print Advertising Campaign in Progress

100 million ads to be inserted!

[OCTOBER 29, 2019] We are pleased to inform you that during the recent Holy Day season, phase one of a massive two-part print advertising campaign became operational. From October 6 through November 3, 2019, the United Church of God will have placed 30 million Beyond Today magazine and booklet (study guide) ads in households throughout the United States. Phase two of this effort will occur in January and February 2020, when an additional 70 million ads will be placed. 

This huge advertising campaign in which coupons are placed in Sunday newspaper inserts, highlight two booklet ads—“The Book of Revelation Unveiled” and “Angels: God’s Messengers and Spirit Army.” These ads proved highly successful when measured against four other booklet ads during small volume tests that we conducted last year. Since both ads generated excellent cost-per-response in those trials we are confident they will prove successful in the course of each phase of this rollout.

After people respond to our ads and receive their literature they will have the opportunity to learn from a variety of articles in Beyond Today magazine. Plus, by reading the booklets they will examine in great detail, biblical information that they may have never before heard, seen or understood.

You may be asking why we selected October, January and February for this major campaign? By the time October rolls around many families, especially with children, have settled into a routine after summer vacations and yet it is prior to the busy Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday season of late November and into December. Also, January and February are generally colder months when many people spend more time indoors and therefore may take a bit more time reading their Sunday newspaper. The opportunity to maximize response is the overall reason why we selected these months for this particular major advertising effort.

Thank you in advance for your excellent, ongoing support and encouragement. We sincerely appreciate your prayers for the success of not only our print ad campaigns but for all the Church’s numerous efforts to reach people around the world with the true knowledge about Jesus Christ and the coming Kingdom of God.