United Church of God

UCG Member Survey

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UCG Member Survey

Three years ago the United Church of God conducted an anonymous survey of church attendees. The results of that survey were extremely helpful, so thank you! The Council of Elders and the home office administration takes the statistics and suggestions from the survey results to help develop a comprehensive Strategic Plan and Operation Plan. This February we are conducting a new survey to continue to solicit your suggestions on what we are doing well and areas where you feel we may need improvement.

This year the survey has been completely rewritten to reflect the current programs and services of the Church. We want to get a wide variety of input on this survey from as many attendees as possible. Having the opinions and thoughts of our teens, young adults, families, seniors, elders and employees will provide us with the best and most balanced results.  Everyone who attends United Church of God Sabbath services is invited to take the survey.

We need your help and input by completing the anonymous Attendee Survey between February 1–19, 2017. The survey should only take 10-15 minutes to complete.

Thank you for your help!

Strategic Planning and Finance Committee—Council of Elders 


  • Clive R. Germany

    Hi, Peter,
    I have many sermons that are faulty, you can't listen to them in comfort because of different types of interference from the recording device. Some are bad. It's a shame because of the effort put in to do these sermons by the brethren. So some recording systems need to be looked at also maybe the operators. If you want I can send you the sermon links that I have. I have 5,000 sermons on my hard drive over the last 9 years and I have recorded a lot of data & information in that time, everything in their respective folders I run a tight ship. I love doing what I have done. I have been involved in computers for 24 years. Web sites, maintenance, graphic design, data & spreadsheets etc.
    Kind Regards, Clive. N.Z.

  • Helen - Gramy

    I have just completed your survey, hopefully my husband is able to do the same; seeing as our computer is in both of our names, we both do attend UCG, since March 10, 1968. Thanks to all involved --having this survey!

  • BrunoGebarski

    I just completed the survey but could not add this in the "free text area" Monkey did not accept it: here is my text for you to add to the survey as a consideration regarding the website: Please consider reshuffling the UCG-website and make it a place where members can meet online. We are in the crowd-sourcing era. UCG website is a “one-way” top-down hierarchical venue, trickles top-down information. It ought to become a meeting place. Please consider Amazon and Facebook for your comparison. Members should be able to post news, info, concerns, prayer requests, chat, communicate: none of this is possible. Why? Why do we have to use Facebook and do not have our own Facebook-Enterprise-Social-Network? UCG Website is a “passive” one way communication platform: I only go there when I need something: it’s almost like going to the dentist. Please consider transforming the website into an “Enterprise Social Network” for the benefit of the young, the lonely, the isolated and those who love to share and communicate: The leadership of the Church would also learn much more about its members, needs than by doing once a year a survey. Kind Regards from Hamburg, Germany to you and your wife Peter!