United Church of God

Update from the President: February 16, 2017

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Update from the President

February 16, 2017

Personal Appearance Campaign in Florida This Weekend

We are en route to Florida for two Beyond Today Live personal appearances in Orlando on the Sabbath, and in Tampa on Sunday. Some of the crew are driving the equipment trailer, while others are flying. We are looking with optimistic anticipation to meeting and engaging our Beyond Today viewers and readers.

You can read about what the Personal Appearance Campaigns are at https://www.ucg.org/beyond-today/beyond-today-live-events. This event in the continuum of the Church's work is vitally important.


First, we have been a media-based Work for decades. That means we rely primarily on mass media print and television to build our audience and support base. Ultimately, we hope that those who connect on our website, read the Beyond Today magazine, or watch our television program will climb further up the ladder of involvement towards repentance and baptism.

But, the gap between media and the church door has been a stretch. We need more ladder rungs to connect from media to the local congregation. And, that is one of the purposes of the PACs. They partially bridge the gap between acquaintance through media and personal commitment to God. At a PAC meeting, readers and viewers can personally meet those who proclaim the Word of God. The PACs comprise only one percent of our total media budget.

We have had so many fine interactions with people who have become acquainted with us through the Personal Appearance Campaigns. We meet in a setting in which the personal side of our presenters, the pastor and the congregation can be shared.

Our local congregations are also actively involved in hands-on preparation for the PACs. This gives them connectivity with the message of the PAC, which is:

• To see what God is doing in today's world.
• To understand why your life matters.
• To know what you must do.

It's a straightforward and clear message. I ask for you to please pray for the success of this coming weekend's events in Orlando and Tampa. Pray that God would bring those who are reading and pondering this very important message from God. Pray that they come, listen, think and talk. And, that God would grant them repentance.

We have a great work yet to do in preaching, witnessing and warning the world. But, the actual power to do it is not of us, but of the working of God's Word through His Holy Spirit. God's Word is not wasted. It has a powerful effect and is even now doing its work:

"It will not return to Me empty,
Without accomplishing what I desire,
And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it."
(Isaiah 55:11 NASB)

Lena and Lewis VanAusdle in Malawi

Our elder Lewis VanAusdle and his wife, Lena, left for a year-long assignment in Malawi in late December. First they traveled to Johannesburg, South Africa, where they helped with a family and youth camp. Then they traveled north to their pastoral assignment in the capital city of Lilongwe, Malawi.

I have great admiration for the VanAusdles accepting this much needed assignment in a developing and challenging area. God is calling people there, and congregations are being formed. As with anywhere in the world, there is always a great need for skilled leaders in preaching, teaching and leading a flock. Lewis and Lena have more than stepped up to this challenge.

You may be interested in reading their continuing reports. Each has a TravelPod blog in which they tell their story. Bev and I commented that reading it was more exciting than watching a movie! They talk about their travels to visit the brethren, the various towns, descriptions of the scenery and the challenges of lots of little things of life that we take for granted.

Read their travel blogs: go to Lewis VanAusdle's blog or Lena VanAusdle's blog. Both are excellent reading with lots of images.

Bev and I will leave for Africa for the Passover season ourselves in 41 days. We will visit churches, ministers and members in South Africa, Malawi and Zambia. We will also meet with some brethren from the Congo.

Please keep the VanAusdles in your prayers. Pray for all of God's servants who sacrifice to fulfill their calling to serve God.


  • jeannethorne

    Thank you so much and I appreciate these weekly updates it is a wonderful tool to pray with I'm just so blessed to be here in the United Church of God