United Church of God

What Is Our Focus in Life: Victims of Satan or Overcomers with God?

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What Is Our Focus in Life

Victims of Satan or Overcomers with God?

MP3 Audio (17.22 MB)


What Is Our Focus in Life: Victims of Satan or Overcomers with God?

MP3 Audio (17.22 MB)

In our society, it is becoming far too common for people to play the “victim card.” Those with this point of view feel that they are the victim of Satan and society’s ills, indulge in self-pity, and shift the blame for the situation in their life to others instead of taking the responsibility of doing something about it. Unfortunately, this thinking has crept into the Church as well. Truly, we have been victimized in many ways but is this the mindset that Jesus Christ had? Certainly He was victimized by Satan and society. This sermon emphasizes the thinking of God on this point: that we, although having been victimized, must move forward as overcomers with God’s help!

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