United Church of God

Paul's Spiritual Wisdom to Timothy: Application of the Holy Spirit

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Paul's Spiritual Wisdom to Timothy

Application of the Holy Spirit

MP3 Audio (34.26 MB)


Paul's Spiritual Wisdom to Timothy: Application of the Holy Spirit

MP3 Audio (34.26 MB)

Today, I would like to discuss a practical application of God’s Spirit. I would like to do this by looking at a few verses that Paul wrote to a young evangelist named Timothy. In looking at Paul’s comments we can better understand how God’s Spirit works and how we can draw upon it more effectively. These comments are in 2 Timothy, chapter 1.

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  • lisabee
    Thank you for the reminder you gave at the end to not get overwhelmed with what the carnal mind if the world is setting into laws and rules. The reminder that without God the humans mind is perverted and depraved. This we shouldn't be surprised at the evil it can accomplish. But to trust in the sound mind the Spirit provides in us.
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