United Church of God

How the New Testament Gospel Message Changed

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How the New Testament Gospel Message Changed

MP3 Audio (53.35 MB)


How the New Testament Gospel Message Changed

MP3 Audio (53.35 MB)

The Old Testament prophets occasionally made some vague references to the Messiah being divine, but mostly he is portrayed as a powerful conquering King. Today, I would like to review the kingdom that the ancient prophets spoke about and see that it lacked a complete understanding of who the Messiah was. He was the Son of God… specifically Jesus the anointed, chosen one. So when the Feast arrives this year I want to encourage you to appreciate that it does not merely celebrate the return of the Messiah. It does not merely celebrate God’s anointed one. It does not merely celebrate the return of a King, or the establishment of a Kingdom. The Feast of Trumpets celebrates the anticipated return of “Jesus”… the anointed Messiah and Son of God to rule the earth in righteousness and peace.

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