United Church of God


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United News

In this issue of United News, you can read the report from the General Conference of Elders meeting in early May, travel reports from two pastoral visits, and multiple news items from Ambassador Bible College.

United News
Victor Kubik
In this personal from the president, Victor Kubik writes about the ABC faculty and staff meeting held in anticipation of classes beginning on Aug. 23. He also announces the new regional online Bible seminars for co-workers and donors, the...
ABC to start 23rd academic year It’s time to start the next academic year of Ambassador Bible College (ABC). We held a faculty and staff meeting on Tuesday to discuss the upcoming class and the year’s teaching and activity schedule....
United News
Roy Holladay
Pastors and brethren have been instrumental in the work of spreading the truth of God and the good news of His Kingdom.
Pastors and brethren have been instrumental in the work of spreading the truth of God and the good news of His Kingdom. Here are just a few of the evangelistic efforts that local congregations have been involved in of late: •...
United News
Victor Kubik
UCG President, Victor Kubik, shares recent church and home office updates. He also provides an update on the Ministerial Education Program.
Beverly and I are leaving for South Africa later today. We plan to visit congregations in Johannesburg and then in Lilongwe and Blantyre, Malawi. We plan to document our journey on Travelpod and you can follow it by going to www....
United News
Peter Eddington
Six events have now been completed in the Beyond Today live series of events titled America: The Time Is Now! Since last October seminars have been held in Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston, Texas; Nashville, Tennessee; Indianapolis,...
Results The event in Nashville, Tennessee, on Sunday, Feb. 21, drew 152 total people, with 45 of those being new guests who were invited to attend via ads in Beyond Today magazine, BT subscriber letters, online...
by Jonathan Fahey
Dallas, TX
In his letter to young pastor Timothy, Paul discusses how the church should support widows needing assistance. Paul has two concerns: that the widows receive the financial support they need, and that the church's limited resources are...
Peter M. GabrielLiz Ryan
The Sabbath of Jan. 14 brought smiles and tears to the overflow crowd at the Houston, Texas, North congregation's Broze Hall.
The Sabbath of Jan. 14 brought smiles and tears to the overflow crowd at the Houston, Texas, North congregation's Broze Hall. It was the last Sabbath of Jim and Sharron Franks' pastorate in the Houston area. The Franks were...
by Philip Aust
Atlanta, GA
Philip Aust, pastor of the Buford and Atlanta GA churches, covers the background and purpose of the Book of Jude - directed at God's people who were being subjected to false teachers and unfaithful brethren.
United News
Clyde Hubbard
Nov. 18, 2011, was a special day for one of the Coleman, Texas, Church members.
Nov. 18, 2011, was a special day for one of the Coleman, Texas, Church members. It was the day that the small City of Goldthwaite, Texas, held a 100th birthday celebration for Mr. Otha Peeples. Mr. and Mrs. Peeples have lived in...
United News
United News
Members from the Phoenix East, Northwest Phoenix, Northern Arizona and Show Low congregations and guests met for combined services on Jan. 4, 2020.
The 250 or so in attendance made for a Feast-like Sabbath gathering, and there was an additional special purpose for the day. Two elders were given the opportunity to begin a new pastoral role in the area. The Southwest regional pastor...
United News

Welcome to the January-February 2020 issue of United News, redesigned and updated to celebrate the upcoming 25th anniversary of UCG.

United News
Victor Kubik
Ministerial & Member Services and Media Update
Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, I pray that you experience every spiritual blessing from God through the upcoming four Holy Days that start with the Feast of Trumpets. These days celebrate victory over our mortality, the...
United News
Victor Kubik
In this update from the president, Victor Kubik, mentions the recording of three new Beyond Today episodes, the video studio construction contract has now been signed, and the new photos that were printed for the conference room at the...
Recording Three New Beyond Today Programs this Week This has been "BT Week," as we call it at the home office, when the media department is mobilized monthly to produce three programs. All hands are on deck...
by Philip Aust
Atlanta, GA
In the first sermon covering the Book of 1 Corinthians, pastor Philip Aust covers chapter 1. He provides a background on the city of Corinth, the reason for this letter, and then the issue of divided loyalty among church members that was...
United News
Victor Kubik
UCG president, Victor Kubik, shares the new artwork displayed in the front lobby of the home office. He also shares the work that is happening in Estonia. Lastly, Mr. Kubik discusses the urgent need of more men in the ministry who share...
On Monday, we completed the current downstairs phase of a home office remodeling project that has taken us about a year to finish. The final component was the installation of an artistic glasswork display representing the mission of the...
United News
United News
At the end of November, the Vancouver, British Columbia, congregation hosted an open house.
At the end of November, the Vancouver, British Columbia, congregation hosted an open house. Along with the letter of invitation to the open house, readers received offers for a booklet and a CD message. At press time 11.3 percent of the...
United News
United News
Council of Elders
The Council of Elders will be meeting at the home office for the August meeting.
The Council of Elders meeting will be August 20-23, 2018 at the United Church of God office in Milford, Ohio. The Council of Elders meeting report will be available after the meetings at coe.ucg.org.   Council of Elders...
