United Church of God

Letter From Roc Corbett June 21, 2017

Letter From Roc Corbett

June 21, 2017

Dear friends,

Recently I was speaking with a friend in another state, and the subject of encouragement came up.  He mentioned how doing little things for people made a big difference in their lives, and gave the simple example of changing light bulbs for a widow when he and his family went to visit.  She could not reach them, and just doing something small like that really cheered her up.  A real bond of love is created between people when genuine encouragement is given, and it can happen in many different ways.  The apostle Paul wrote of his concern for those he served, "...that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love..." (Colossians 2:2). 

It's so true, that when we are encouraged by someone who really cares about us, that we grow closer as friends and "family."  Paul wrote on several occasions about how others had encouraged him.  Romans 1:11-12 is one such example:  "For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift, so that you may be established--that is, that I may be encouraged together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me."  As he encouraged them, they in turn encouraged him, and the faith they shared was strengthened. 

This same dynamic is visibly at work in our congregations!  When we give encouragement, it comes back to us as well.  From my perspective, it is truly encouraging to see the growth in so many of you, evidenced in many ways.  Two ladies needed help moving, and others stepped right up to help.  Another lady needed help to prepare for her upcoming move, and there were ladies right there to help her pack.  People have hosted in-home Bible studies and Young Adult studies and fellowship time, welcoming in families and friends.  Sabbath fellowship and many acts of service are increasing and enriching our time together each week.    

I could speak of many other examples of how encouragement is growing and flowing in our congregations.  I see people helping one another, often behind the scenes, with no one else even being aware.  Things like keeping our local websites updated, sending cards to those who are sick or isolated, or visiting them when we can; helping with projects when others need help, these are all acts of service that yield the wonderful fruit of encouragement.  Some of you have taken the time to personally encourage me, for which I am very grateful.  When we are encouraged, we realize again how important it is to us.  That can give us motivation to pass this blessing on to others.   

Encouragement knits our hearts together in love, just like the Bible teaches.  When we are "knit together in love" we are all strengthened in spiritual ways, and more able to withstand some of the difficulties of life.  Seeing this spiritual principle at work in our congregations is truly encouraging to me!  It is evidence that you are following in the footsteps of Christ, who encourages us every day. 

In Christian love,

Roc Corbett