United Church of God

All Consuming Images: Christ Vs. Idols

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All Consuming Images

Christ vs. Idols

MP3 Audio (18.65 MB)


All Consuming Images: Christ Vs. Idols

MP3 Audio (18.65 MB)

Idolatry goes much deeper than man-made statues -it involves man-made thoughts and feelings about the Creator that easily become distorted. When we rob God of His place as merciful loving Abba Father and make Him into something He is not, we rob Him of His glory, we become self-centered, ungrateful and thankless; most incredibly, we actually rob ourselves of the beautiful image God has of us -as beloved children. When we forsake God we also forsake ourselves. Either the image of Christ consumes who we are or we are consumed by our idolatry -it's one or the other.

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