United Church of God

Are You Your Own Pharaoh?

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Are You Your Own Pharaoh?

MP3 Audio (51.89 MB)


Are You Your Own Pharaoh?

MP3 Audio (51.89 MB)

Egypt served initially a place of refuge for Israel. In time, pharaoh and the people in the land that saved them became their oppressors. When we choose not to acknowledge the truth and respond to it, we choose bondage to sin and become our own oppressor. Satan’s ultimate goal is to destroy you. God’s ultimate goal is to give you eternal life. If we do not obey God, we become our own pharaoh and choose sin and death.

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  • Bruno Gebarski
    Egypt symbolizes sin & death. The Word, Spirit & Truth of God are unleavened. Although we keep Passover & UB, our three formidable enemies remain Satan, society & self. In his heroic message, Dr. Ward transfers solid gold to our spiritual account. A message we ought to circumspectly meditate upon. God has given us free will to make choices wither good or evil albeit He tells us to choose life in His Family instead of death & the lake of fire. This is the real dichotomy! Applying Pharaoh’s title to ourselves is an agonizing task shifting sin’s responsibility to ourselves instead of Satan & society. Several times Pharaoh ‘repented’ of his evil but went right back to ‘business as usual’ as soon as God lifted a plague. How about us? Do we also fake conversion? Do we avoid Pharaoh & Israel’s type of provocation towards God & faithfully remain on course towards our final spiritual destiny? Or do we mentally hunt around Egypt’s coruscating lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of life? We ought not to forget that there is a final ‘rest’ (G4520: sabbatismos) in God’s Kingdom for those who remain faithful to God’s commandments, judgments, laws, precepts, statutes & testimonies.
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