United Church of God

Can Christians Sin?

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Can Christians Sin?

MP3 Audio (20.92 MB)


Can Christians Sin?

MP3 Audio (20.92 MB)

Christians are called to a life of growing and overcoming their sins and faults. Even though true Christians strive not to sin, mistakes are made; and sins are committed. Christians do not become perfect upon their repentance and baptism and are commanded to become perfect. Scriptures and examples from both the Old Testament and the New Testament are given to show that the righteous men in the Bible made huge mistakes and sinned. David, a man after God’s own heart, committed adultery and murder (2 Samuel 11:1-27; 12:1-14). The Apostle Paul lamented about his struggles to live a righteous life (Romans 7:14-25). The Apostle John included himself among sinners (1 John 1:5-10). The good news is that God is merciful and forgiving and forgives sins when the sinner repents.

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