United Church of God

Can Self-Evaluation Create a Pharisee?

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Can Self-Evaluation Create a Pharisee?

MP3 Audio (41.69 MB)


Can Self-Evaluation Create a Pharisee?

MP3 Audio (41.69 MB)

In just a short time, the baptized members will come together to commemorate Jesus Christ's sacrifice as we partake of the Passover. During Jesus' last meal with His disciples, each of them asked if he would be the one to betray Jesus. As we examine our lives for areas we need to improve, are we asking ourselves if we are betraying God and Jesus in anything that we're doing? We know that spiritual complacency will lead us away from the Kingdom, but what if we take our self-evaluation to the other extreme, becoming like the Pharisees? God wants us to have balance in our efforts to become more like Him, so let's look to the Bible to see how He wants us to examine ourselves.

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