United Church of God

Can Sin Be Justified?

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Can Sin Be Justified?

MP3 Audio (35.21 MB)


Can Sin Be Justified?

MP3 Audio (35.21 MB)

Rahab the Harlot lied to protect the two spies. Some argue that her lie was justified, but if it was couldn't any sin be justified? This sermon examines the right and wrong answers to the question, "Can Sin Be Justied?"

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  • Patrick Kansa
    A powerful and clear message!
  • Kelly Irvin
    Such a needed explanation to compare sin and godliness! When left to reason apart from the word of God we are always going to compromise and hybridize God's word to our own imaginations. Lying is a great example to use in scripture, but we are being tested today on many levels, even including the concept of justifying accepting other broken backbone commandments "for the greater good." Thank you, Neil.
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