United Church of God

Christ's Miracles in the Gospels

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Christ's Miracles in the Gospels

MP3 Audio (24.21 MB)


Christ's Miracles in the Gospels

MP3 Audio (24.21 MB)

The Human Being who lived 2,000 years ago named Jesus Christ of Nazareth had more impact on humanity than the sum total of all other humans who ever lived. Much of the impact was due to His powerful moral teachings coupled with His perfect sinless life. However, the other huge factor that contributed to His impact on world history was the miracles He performed --- or to say it more precisely, the miracles performed by God the Father through Him. This message will attempt to: (1) Give a brief overview of the miracles recorded in the Gospels that were performed by Jesus Christ during His physical ministry; and (2) Suggest the purposes of those miracles.

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