United Church of God

Fan or Follower, Part 2: Moving the Ball Forward

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Fan or Follower, Part 2

Moving the Ball Forward

MP3 Audio (5.99 MB)


Fan or Follower, Part 2: Moving the Ball Forward

MP3 Audio (5.99 MB)

In the first part of this series, we established the concept of our spiritual life falling on a continuum - enthusiastic admirer on one end - the fan... and on the other, a truly committed follower of God. We also established the idea that wherever we happen to find ourselves along that continuum right now - that God expects that we grow. Whether we got the ball on the 10 yard line, or on the 60... God expects us to move the ball. To continue to grow spiritually until we take our last dying breath. So how do we move the ball? How do we charge upfield through the trials, the struggles and the attacks? How do we take the hits and gain ground? Today we'll explore three things we as Christians can do to be real and honest with ourselves in order to allow for true spiritual growth... then and only then can we move the ball.

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