United Church of God

From Slavery to Freedom

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From Slavery to Freedom

MP3 Audio (15.89 MB)


From Slavery to Freedom

MP3 Audio (15.89 MB)

The Bill of Rights guarantees our ability to peaceably assemble, protects our speech, gives us freedom to worship in the way that we please–sadly, these rights have been warped over time to guarantee and protect things that were never intended to be protected by the founding fathers.  In our freedom, we have become slaves to sin. Slavery is well documented within the Bible, and the Hebrew system of slavery had an interesting situation: at the end of 7 years, when the slave was to be released of their debt if they refused to leave, they would become a bond-servant of the household, essentially a part of the family. We are admonished to become bond-servants to Christ. Willing servants of our Lord Jesus Christ. Only through this process, becoming willing slaves of Christ, can we become free from our bondage to sin.

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