United Church of God

Gnosticism in the Early Church and Its Effects Today

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Gnosticism in the Early Church and Its Effects Today

MP3 Audio (16.09 MB)


Gnosticism in the Early Church and Its Effects Today

MP3 Audio (16.09 MB)

In the first part of a new study series, we look at what Gnosticism is, some of the influences it had on Hellenistic culture, and some of the ways in which it seeped into the New Testament church. Included is a review of a popular Gnostic Creation account found in the "Apocryphon of John" that illustrates many of the seeds of heresy that must be recognized in order for us to stamp them out.

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  • david from tx
    Thank you very much for this sermon. I especially thank you for doing that research. I can't imagine how hard that must have been - thank you and may God bless and keep you.
  • Ralphmaxx781
    Very informative Sermon series. Thank you for the time in researching this subject. Very interesting. Thank You, Douglas McKee
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