United Church of God

God Is Calling of All Ages

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God Is Calling of All Ages

MP3 Audio (14.34 MB)


God Is Calling of All Ages

MP3 Audio (14.34 MB)

In Acts 2:38-39, the invitation to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit was extended to all who would respond, to as many as the Lord will call. What does it mean to be called? What does it mean to be chosen? Are the children of baptized individuals called? This message reflects on those questions and more as we realize that God is calling children of all ages into His family - the Kingdom of God.

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  • frankfishca
    Hello Kevin, May the scriptures of God's laying an open invitation to our children excite and inspire your sermon. Isaiah 30:21 may add a nice element of how the Spirit of God will work in a very personal way.
  • kkenady
    Thank you, Mr. Fish, for this message! I have been working on a sermon for the feast that explains that our children are called and all people will have access to God in the same way, as soon as the Millennium begins. Your message was just what I was looking for to finish my preparation!
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