United Church of God

God or Government?

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God or Government?

MP3 Audio (29.02 MB)


God or Government?

MP3 Audio (29.02 MB)

It has been over five months since the novel COVID-19 virus began sweeping through the world at an unprecedented speed, killing record numbers of people, and throwing civilizations into chaos... that is what's happened, right? Between the fear mongering, unusual government overreach, and one-sided media accounts, it's easy to see why people's perception leans this way. However, the data tells a very different story. Our perception affects our reality - from personal behavior to economic health. These are troubling times, worthy of prayer, fasting, and meditation. But we also need to look beyond issues like wearing masks and recognize there will come a day when Revelation-level catastrophe will occur. People are understandably frustrated, and we may wonder where should we draw the line? When should we push back? What about the scripture that says we should submit to authority and another that says we should obey God? They can seem to contradict each other, but let’s look closer to understand how they actually work together in harmony.

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