United Church of God

God, Our Past, Present and Future Healer

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God, Our Past, Present and Future Healer

MP3 Audio (18.69 MB)


God, Our Past, Present and Future Healer

MP3 Audio (18.69 MB)

Listen to this sermon to learn about how God is a past, present and future healer.

Sermon Notes

Psalm 103:1-5 – Forget not all His benefits.  Focus on benefit number two in verse three; “Who [God] heals all your diseases.”

There are two categories of people.  First, there are God’s chosen firstfruits that have direct access to Him with God’s Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ in prayer. He cares for each one of us. It’s important that we grow in knowledge, and that we understand He is our absolute healer.  There are two kinds of healing, spiritual or physical. The second group of people is the rest of the world that God has not yet called. They do not yet know the true God. He yearns to heal them both spiritually, and physically. We see the first record of God healing in Genesis 20:17 when God heals Abimelech and his family.

In Exodus 15:26 God tells us “For I am the LORD who heals you.” The word “heals” means to cure, to mend. When we repent and ask God to forgive us, He instantly does so. When we ask God to heal us He does so, but He controls when He heals us.

We see God healing in the future when He heals the nations (Revelation 22:2). Reference: United Church of God study paper “Divine Healing.” We know that God loves us with an everlasting love (Isaiah 55:8). We must have [unfailing] faith in God as our healer.  We have numerous examples of God’s healing in the bible, and in our lives! We can make no demands of God except to claim His promises (see James 5)! Remember, God is our past, present and future healer. It is recommended that you get out your Strong’s Concordance and read the scriptures where heal and heals is referenced.  “Heal” can also mean “to make whole.”

Read the following scriptures: Matthew 4:23-26, Matthew 8:13-17, Isaiah 53:4-5, Matthew 10:1,7-8, 12:15,22, 14:14, Mark 3:14-15, Luke 4:18, 6:17-19.  God heals the brokenhearted, which is a spiritual healing. When Jesus preached, He didn’t have or need the Internet.  The word of mouth about His great miracles attracted thousands for His healing and teaching.

God is also our present healer. Acts 3:1-6, 4:23-30, 5:12-15, Psalms 2:1-2).

Corinthians 12:1, 4-9 – The letter to the Corinthians written 2,000 years ago was also written to us. God is also a future healer of mankind, of human beings.  Mankind has been living their own way for thousands of years, and there has been death, illness and suffering due to mankind rejecting God.  We are living in the end times described in 2Timothy 3.

We can take great comfort in the truth because we know that God promises to heal all diseases, both spiritual and physical! (Matthew 10:14-15, Mark 6:11, Psalms 103:1-3).

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  • sduckert
    Hi Mr. Kiramidjian, I wanted to send you a quick note to tell you how much I appreciate this sermon. I am doing study on healing and you answered many of the questions that I have. I hope you know how grateful your brethren (and brethrenesses lol) value, learn from and are exhorted, and blessed by your service to the Church! Thank you so much!
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