United Church of God

God's 12 Signs

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God's 12 Signs

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God's 12 Signs

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There are 12 memorial stones in Joshua's account and there are 12 signs God has left us--here they are.

Sermon Notes

God’s fall Feasts around the corner – great anticipation—Thy kingdom come. Always fascinated by the account of the Israelite’s crossing the Jordan River. Marvelous miracles. Joshua 3-4 12 taken out of the Jordan, 12 placed back in – pillar stones – monuments God calls them memorial stones Go over the account. Stones can be used as symbols or signs of what God has left for us to remember throughout Script. Coming Feasts – these signs can encourage us Ask – Are you honoring these 12 signs? PLACE A STONE EACH TIME, JUST AS IT WAS PLACED IN THE JORDAN AND AT GILGAL. #1. Sabbath – Gen. 2:3 – Ex. 31:13, 17-18 A sign – first memorial stone – look at it – memorial Creation #2. Rainbow – Gen. 9:12-17 Made by a double refraction of the light hitting a drop of water #3. Circumcision – Gen. 17:10-14 80% U.S. still done, mostly for hygienic reasons. Article. Symbol of a receptive and obedient heart. In the NT no longer necessary, Gentiles called, no longer a national symbol of Israelites. Baptism replaces. #4. First Feast – Lev. 23:1-4 -- Passover – pillar stone – God’s great intervention O & N. Testament #5. Second – DUB – purification – unleavening process – removing wrong ways and teachings, replacing them with true ways and biblical doctrines. #6. Third – Pentecost – Lev. 23:15-16 #7. Fourth Trumpets – Lev. 23:24 #8. Fifth – Atonement – Lev. 23:27 #9. Sixth – Tabernacles – Lev. 23:34 #10. Seventh Feast – LDG – Lev. 23:36 #11. Eleventh sign – Baptism & Laying on hands ceremony Acts 2:37-39 2 Cor. 1:21 Col. 2:11 #12. Twelfth sign – one given by Jesus John 13:34-35 Twelve signs – memorial stones God has placed throughout Bible – Are we honoring all of them? Coming Feast – wonderful opportunity to let Him know.

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