United Church of God

Have You Forgiven Yourself?

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Have You Forgiven Yourself?

MP3 Audio (37.96 MB)


Have You Forgiven Yourself?

MP3 Audio (37.96 MB)

The Bible clearly states what God expects and requires of us for forgiveness including the essential aspect to forgive others. After judging yourself and asking for forgiveness, do you believe God has forgiven you? Have you forgiven yourself? How many are truly happy with themselves, their neighbors, God and Christ? Is it because we do not obey the simplest commands—those that have to do with relationship with God, self and others? If we believe that upon repentance God forgives our sins, the more spontaneous, joyful and happy we can be because we have no guilt and are set free. Do we believe God? Do we believe the Bible? Christians should be joyful and happy. God does not want us to be weighted down all the time. God clearly shows us the steps we must take to experience love, joy, peace and true righteousness. Let us live our lives bearing the fruits of the spirit which glorify God!

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