United Church of God

Is Our Repentance Godly Repentance?

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Is Our Repentance Godly Repentance?

MP3 Audio (7.23 MB)


Is Our Repentance Godly Repentance?

MP3 Audio (7.23 MB)

“…The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand, Repent, and believe in the gospel.” Does this Biblical verse sound familiar? Mark, chapter one, and verse 15 is where we read how Jesus Christ began His ministry. The keynote message is an exhortation to repent. Think about it. How seldom do we hear about the need for us individually to repent in the times in which we live today? Is repentance obsolete today? Has it been replaced by human expressions of penance, or of sorrow, or perhaps of regret? How can we know what Almighty God expects of us? One of the Bible’s books of poetry gives us a deeper look into repentance. Can you identify which book it might be?

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