United Church of God

Keeping the Feast With Ezra and Nehemiah

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Keeping the Feast with Ezra and Nehemiah

MP3 Audio (38.75 MB)


Keeping the Feast With Ezra and Nehemiah

MP3 Audio (38.75 MB)

How did God's people keep the Feast 400 years before Christ--and what can we learn from it today?

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  • Esther
    Mr Stiver, enjoyed this very informative and enlightening Bible Study. Due to health problems will not be attending feast. But I will listen on web sites. Again thank you , I learned valuable information that I was not aware of.
  • Randy Stiver
    Hello Esther. Thank you for your kind words. Sorry to hear that you're not well enough to be at the Feast. My family and I will be at the Cincinnati/Nor. Kentucky Feast site. We do have another Bible Study coming up on Aug. 24 entitled "Identifying True Wisdom." Hope you can join us again then. Kind regards, Randy Stiver
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