United Church of God

Lessons From Lazarus and the Rich Man

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Lessons From Lazarus and the Rich Man

MP3 Audio (4.97 MB)


Lessons From Lazarus and the Rich Man

MP3 Audio (4.97 MB)

Rich Man, Poor Man. Do any on you remember the television miniseries from about 40 years ago? Rich Man, Poor Man was based on the 1969 novel of the same name –written in 1969 by Irwin Shaw. Jesus Christ gave a powerful, poignant parable about a rich man and a poor man. This parable is generally known as the Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man. It is recorded for us in Luke, chapter 16. Many people may be at least somewhat familiar with the Biblical parable, but most likely few have thought very deeply about its meaning. What should the take-away be for you and me? Even in the church of God our tendency has been to emphasize a side point of the parable. We often focus on which Biblical “hell” has been the rich man’s destination, following his death. Is this the hell translated from the Greek word Gehenna, indicating the hell fire that will consume the incorrigibly wicked? Or, does the rich man “lift up his eyes” in hades, meaning the grave? As we ponder how to answer these questions, let’s examine this interesting and instructive parable of Jesus Christ.

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