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MP3 Audio (36.74 MB)


Look Up

MP3 Audio (36.74 MB)

As we go through life, we need to remember, in all that we do, to look up to the Master Builder. In a physical building, if we don't work in accordance with where the main structural supports are, things won't work out. Likewise, if we don't involve God in our activities, looking up to Him regularly, our lives won't work well.

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    Thank you for the sermon. I enjoyed listening to it and will listen again to take notes. One thing you did do for me, was to indirectly answer a question that I had as to why we close our eyes and bow our heads instead of looking up. My thoughts were, when we talk with our human parent we look at their faces, why not look at our Heavenly Father, when we talk with him. To me looking up is so much more personal. Thank you so much.
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