United Church of God

Pentecost, the Tree of Life and the Book of Life

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Pentecost, the Tree of Life and the Book of Life

MP3 Audio (40.3 MB)


Pentecost, the Tree of Life and the Book of Life

MP3 Audio (40.3 MB)

The day of Pentecost was ordained by God and the Word before the foundation of the world. Jesus Christ was slain from the foundation of the world. God is calling out His firstfruits to be in His Kingdom. Repentant believers must be reconciled to the Father in order to receive the Holy Spirit. Believers must be begotten and born of the Holy Spirit in order to be in the Kingdom of God. The tree of life continues to exist in eternity as the scriptures state that it is in the paradise of God and in the New Jerusalem. The firstfruits will be harvested at the resurrection of the just when the seventh trumpet of the seven trumpet plagues begins to sound. Is your name in the Book of Life?

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