United Church of God

Surrendering to God, Part 3

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Surrendering to God, Part 3

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Surrendering to God, Part 3

MP3 Audio (14.71 MB)

As part of a series on "Surrendering to God". Learn several points of trusting God including trusting in God for strength to help us overcome and to work things out.

Sermon Notes

There is a power surrender that everyone must make at one point.

Rom. 12:1-2

Paul tells us that our bodies must be a living sacrifice. We are to give that offering to God and surrender our lives to God.

Rom. 12:2 → We are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.  We were to let go of ourself, our idols, our own will.

2 More Main elements of surrendering to God.

1.)  Truly trust God.

    a. We must believe that God keeps his promises.

Num. 23:19 → God is not a man who can lie.

Do we believe everything that God has said to us in the Holy Bible?  We have to surrender to the fact that this book is true.  

Duet. 7:6-9 → God is talking to the Israelites, but also to us.  God is faithful, but also to us, He will continue to keep His promises to us.

See trust in God and pray for it.

1 Cor 10:13 → We will not be tempted beyond what we are able.

    b. Trust God for Strength
2 Cor. 1:8 

We have to let go of the claim that we can do everything on our own.

2 Cor. 12:9 → My strength is made perfect in weakness.  When we fully realize our limitation, we see how much we need God.

Have we learned there is strength in weakness?

2 Cor. 10:4 → The weapons of our warfare.  

Eph. 3:16 → Ask God every day 

    c. Trust God to help us to overcome.

Phil. 2:13

We will let God lead us to his pleasure.

Heb. 13:20

God will lead us to do HIs will, but our we will to follow?

John 15:5

Without God in us, we cannot bear spiritual fruit and cannot overcome.  With God in us, we can.

Gal. 2:20

Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.

    d. Trust God to Help us to Endure.
Col. 1:9

God promises to help us to develop patience.  Development of patience has a component of joy.

James 1:2-3 → Count it all joy when you fall into trails.  Sometimes God allows things to happen to us to allow us to grow.

God will deliver us and provide.  He will not allow us to be tested beyond what we can endure.

Psalms 37:23
    e. Trust God to Work Things Out
Rom. 8:28

Prov. 3:5 → Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not learn on your own understanding.  Our own understanding can be flawed.

    f. Cast Your Burdens on the Lord

1 Pet. 5:6-7 → God loves all humanity, He loves us more than we comprehend. 

Psalm 55:22

    g. Trust that God will never Forsake Us

Deut. 31:6 → God is speaking to Joshua, but also us.

Heb. 13:5 → Let your conduct be without covetousness.  

We are not to look to something else besides God for our security.

Rom 8:38 → Nothing can separate us from God’s love.  

1 John 4:18 → There is no fear in love.  But, perfect love casts out fear.

2.)  Surrender to the Goal.

Heb. 11:22 → He looked to the reward.

2 Cor 4:17

Luke 12:29 → Seek the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you.

The vast majority of people in this world are seeking physical things.

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