United Church of God

The Law in the New Testament

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The Law in the New Testament

MP3 Audio (14.96 MB)


The Law in the New Testament

MP3 Audio (14.96 MB)

Studying “The Law” in the New Testament is very encouraging and positive, showing that the Great Law of Love of God, The Ten Commandments, remains to be kept always for mankind, in the Old Covenant in the past and the New Covenant now and in the future. The word for “Law” most used in the New Testament is “Nomos”, meaning law through prescriptive use, a regulation, a principle and has the same general use as described in the dictionary where it is used for many meanings. To understand what it means in a particular application, it must be read in context and with all of God’s word in mind. The same word is used for human nature, standards of man, civil law, a principle, Jewish religious law, sacrificial law, Old Covenant “Law” and the Ten Commandments “Law".

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