United Church of God

The Origin, Development and Outcome of Faith

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The Origin, Development and Outcome of Faith

MP3 Audio (47.72 MB)


The Origin, Development and Outcome of Faith

MP3 Audio (47.72 MB)

The apostle Paul states in Hebrews 10:38 that the just shall live by faith. Do you really understand what that means? Some are trying to work up faith and look for signs. Saying, "I got faith, I got faith, as if faith were merely a positive feeling that one has inside and if you believe strongly enough it will happen. Belief is necessary but much more is required. Do you really understand what faith is all about. Faith is the springboard to all things--spiritual--not all things physical as some teach. In this sermon we will examine the origin, development and outcome of faith and what it means to live by faith.

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