United Church of God

The Power of Remembrance

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The Power of Remembrance

MP3 Audio (47.57 MB)


The Power of Remembrance

MP3 Audio (47.57 MB)

Multiple times in scripture, the Lord told the Israelites to “remember this day” that He brought them out of Egypt. God wanted them always to remember their past and what He had done for them. He wanted them to remember they had a rescuer who took them out of a terrible situation. One of the things we often do leading up to the Days of Unleavened Bread is to think back and remember the calling we received from God and consider what we have done with this calling. As we exit the Days of Unleavened Bread 2022, what will we remember about the past week we just observed? What lessons will we take with us? What insights will we continue to reflect upon? Remembrance is important to God, and therefore it should be important to us as well.

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